Crusade - any vigorous, aggressive movement for the defense or advancement of an idea or cause.
What if you treated each of your books as a crusade? Something you believe in and fight for until it's finished. From developing that mind gripping opening to all the page turning fillers, a few stunning twists along the way, and dazzle your readers with an outstanding finale!
There will be people who think writing fiction is a frivolous attempt at a career and say you can't. Ignore them. Stay focused on your crusade. The day job may threaten to bite into the writing time. Don't let it. Get up earlier, write during your breaks, go to bed later. You may have conflicts with friends, family, significant others. Discuss,move quickly to a solution then carry on with your crusade. Your past may collide with your present when you least expect it. Concentrate on the crusade and protect your future. You might experience 'writers block'. Find a critique group, talk to fellow writers, turn to your social networks for help but stick with your crusade.(more about a cure for WB in a future post) The financial rewards aren't immediate but forge forward on your crusade. When you begin sending out manuscripts, yes, you'll probably get some rejection letters. File them, get over it, and stay on course.
Writing can be a solitary existence, which does require self discipline and the ability to strap yourself to the chair and relentlessly peck away at the keyboard. To maintain a consistent schedule you need to have a strong desire to reach for. How serious are you about seeing your book on the shelves at Barnes and Noble and online at Amazon? Only you can answer that question, give your mind a clear cause to reach for, and do whatever it takes to conquer anything that threatens your dream.
How do you overcome obstacles and maintain a steady course to advance your writing crusade?