Imagine...if you were born with only half a brain or, as in this story, had to have half of your brain surgically removed?
We program our brains for success. As writers, our minds possess the ability to take one object, situation, or an overheard conversation and transform it into a spellbinding story by way of our imaginations. Our individuality, our strength to survive, our determination to live life on our own terms, our need to love and be loved, and our desire to share, all originate from the electrifying energy between our ears!
How does our brain accomplish all this and more? Scientists and doctors are constantly discovering more and more about our cranial capacities. This video illustrates the brain's ability to recreate cells, compensate for missing parts, and still perform.
I find stories like this phenomenal, inspiring, and a great reminder that if you have a fully functioning healthy brain don't waste it on un-resourceful thoughts. Teach it, train it, utilize it, relax it, and most importantly appreciate it!
What have you done for your brain today?