“Amp it up!” Billy Blanks coaxes inspirationally during TAEBO. We do interval training, which consists of alternating between a steady stream of fast paced strenuous moves and short bursts of intense activity. So what does amping it up in my morning workouts have to do with my writing day? I realized that if I carried that intensity throughout the rest of my day I could conquer any challenge and experience positive results in my business as well.
Here Are 9 Ways To Amplify Your Inner Scribe
Exercise – If you currently workout four days a week bump it up to five. Or if you invest in a 30 minute sweat session try extending it to 45 to 60 minutes. Even a small increase will burn additional calories and fat. Exercise improves your mental and physical health. Imagine what you could accomplish if you extended that passion into all of your life!
Reading Goals – Hopefully you read your goals at least two times a day, morning and night. Try adding one more late morning and once in the afternoon. Fuel your mind with all the details of your future by reinforcing your visualization. A tiny amount of time with a huge payout.
Phone calls – If you invest time contacting potential clients by phone whatever your quota is kick it up by five. Nothing too overwhelming but just enough to make a difference.
Blogging – If you have a blog and are doing one or two posts a week add one. When you increase activity you become more recognizable on the net. Plus you’ll be offering your readers even more value.
Blog commenting – Do you read and comment on other blogs? It’s a wonderful way to learn and to connect with authors, publishers, and marketers in the writing industry. Let’s say you have 10 that you are subscribed to. Research on Google, Technorati, or one of the other blog directories and find two additional really interesting scribe related blogs to build a relationship with.
Your novel – If you write fiction how many pages do you pen a day? The late great Robert Parker wrote five pages every day except Sundays. No wonder he was able to produce more than 60 books in his lifetime. If you write five do seven. Or two more pages than whatever you currently accomplish.
Mailing Your Manuscript - Do you have a completed manuscript? Are you shopping for an agent or publisher? It is a bit of a numbers game so find three more outlets to pitch your manuscript to. You never know...one of those three could be the magic YES!
Audio and video - Are you taking advantage of this new online media? One way to market a new book is with an audio or video series. If you’ve never tried to create one, get a webcam and play around with it. They’re very simple to connect to your computer and once hooked up you can practice recording videos right there in the privacy of your own home or office. If you’re already a celebrity producing one or two broadcasts a week do three or four. As with blogging the more visible you make yourself on the internet the easier you are to find. You also increase your credibility level.Reading – Do you read personal development before bed? It’s helpful to give your mind a dose of positive right before you drift off to sleep. If you read one chapter try one and a half or two. You’ll finish that book faster and at the end of the month and year you will have added a few more to your list.
Amplify means to make larger, greater, more powerful. That’s how I feel when I make TAEBO my first daily appointment. It sets my mind in the best place it can be so I’m ready to launch into my day and seek out other areas where I can ‘Amp It Up!’
Small daily changes will make a big difference for you too over the next few months and beyond. The idea is not to stress yourself out and make the alterations too overwhelming that you feel like you cannot keep up and get frustrated. Just look at your daily activities and crank each one up another notch or two. Track your efforts because you’ll be motivated to continue to look for areas where you too can ‘Amp It Up!’
I love to hear your success stories! If you try this strategy, find it helpful and want to share please drop me a comment!