I was listening to a radio interview recently and the topic was, does your job or career define you? One side was quick to respond no, your career doesn’t tell people who you are as a person. Another opinion was that it depends on how happy you are at your J-O-B
As I continued listening, I came to the conclusion that it depends on what stage you are at in your life and what you do for a living. If you’re working for someone else there tends to be a separation between where you spend your days and who you are the rest of the time. If however, you are a business owner the divide is much smaller. Company and personal time blend together and blur the line between work hours and playtime. You may be paying your way through college working a part time gig as you strive towards the ultimate career. I do agree that it has a lot to do with the happiness factor.
Define means to explain or identify the nature or essential qualities of. To describe.
Branding means a particular product or a characteristic that serves to identify a particular product.
So then as an entrepreneur claiming that your career defines you is another way of expressing your brand, which is a great thing, right? I have met people and when I tell them that I’m an artist (writer, photographer, and chef), they nod their heads and say, “yeah I thought you did something in the creative field.” I take that as a huge compliment that according to what I’m wearing or the jewelry I have on that it’s obvious I’m a right-brain kind of gal!
When you turn your passion into the spirit of your brand you encompass the characteristics that define your personality. With technology today you’re able to carry that appearance through to your emails, newsletters, autoresponders, and TV channel. Through colors, words, speech, and graphics you personalize and perform which further identifies you to the world.
As a writer have you chosen to brand your own name or a business name? What reaction do you receive from others about your brand?
Great post with good points about not displaying your social media profiles. If you don't think your social media presence is sufficient, I think your first step should be to fix those because creating your personal brand online can really help in your interesting,link my name to see something about nike dunks.
Posted by: Nike dunks | September 29, 2010 at 10:35 PM