Famous used to mean red carpet elite Hollywood, dazzling lights, and popular out of reach stars viewed at a distance on the big screen. Now, any type of person from any size area can reach out to anywhere from a 5-inch smart phone screen and become famous:
Because of timing more than talent
By being authentic rather than acting
Based on ingenuity more than income
We surf in a world where an amateur video of a silly dance, a biting baby, or a prancing pony on a cliff gets tossed around Facebook, tweeted, and talked about on blogs. One person’s influential is another’s insignificant. Both have a place.
For writers, it’s platform savvy that makes you famous and attracts an audience before you reach publishing success. Pen enough titles, and algorithms rather than advertising can appoint you celebrity status on the web.
Be yourself is the fundamental foundation for all artistic creations. Organic advice that when broken down simply means:
* express your opinion through multiple mediums
* write what you feel
* hang out with people you choose to connect with at social sites you enjoy
market in ways that resonate with your personality
* upload cute clips of children and pets
* work the numbers, stream enough into cyber space, and something will stick.
Of course it's vital to plan, strategize, and set goals, but that's not what this post is about.
If you can master even a few of the above tasks consistently, you’ll be walking down the virtual red carpet, waving at your spectators through flashing lights, and narrowing the gap between you and a global audience who will be eager to unwrap your genuine and unique gifts.