Grit helps you access your creativity even when its hibernating in the
crevices of your right brain. Grit isn't a born trait. It's a raw
characteristic that you have control over cultivating.
Grit is what keeps your butt stuck in the chair, fingers glued to the keyboard or clutching a pen scrawling away on paper.
Grit keeps you writing daily even on those days when your cranial computer is creeping along or conks out and needs a restart.
Grit is what propels you to write one more sentence and expand it into one more paragraph so you'll be one more page closer to your daily goal.
Grit pulls you from the depths of, how am I ever going to complete this book, into being scrappy enough to sort through the scramble of ideas, notes, character profiles, plot points, setting descriptions, and dialogue, so you can develop it all into a sizzling saga or motivational non-fiction manuscript.
Grit keeps you surging forward forging new trails and repaving old or worn ones.
Grit helps keep your mind focused, your manuscripts fresh, your plots intriguing, and your characters compelling.
Grit means you're pulling on the gloves and fighting through rounds of brainstorming, crafting the tale, edits, rewrites, cover design, publishing, and marketing. And then getting excited enough to dive in and do it all again and again!