There's an app to touch, trace, and track every part of your lives. Software probably exists to sort and organize the writing material for your ebooks as well. But since I only have a 'dumb phone', it's no surprise that this is my old school system for arranging text into an online book.
Perhaps the best way to explain the method to my un-technological madness is with an excerpt from this ebook.
This is number 2 of 3 purging tasks that I suggest to help you become more prolific:
2. I would live a technologically celibate life if I could because the frustration of dealing with it chips away at my creative energy. I’m convinced that computers are possessed and schizophrenic. Today it’s necessary to be part artist, publisher, technologist, and marketer. But if you are spending more time on digital tools than writing it’s time to re-evaluate because those moody machines should support your writing not sabotage it. Simplifying your social media and sharing sites will save your scribe’s sanity.
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