The best writing comes when you care...
Be it a creature, cause, or character.
There is no substitute for writing that which touches you
from the tip of your heart to the depth of your soul.
Creative illumination may strike in the shower, driving down the road, while resting, working out, or in the middle of the night.
Strike the page with your pen when the emotion is sizzling, the passion steaming, and the words are burning to emerge. No analyzing, critiquing, or editing. Just an impulsive and spontaneous spilling of thoughts and ideas. A stirring of the imagination.
Here are 8 'what do I care most about' questions to get you started on your next writing project
What makes you excited?
What are you entertained by?
What are you intensely emotional about?
What tears at your heart?
What brings tears to your eyes?
What tickles your insides with joy?
What would you do anything for?
Who would you prevent harm from reaching?
The best writing dawns at the peak of compassion when creativity is heightened and you are called to express, enlighten, entertain, and educate. Pen those prose and the ones who speak your language and relate to your message will react and respond to you.
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